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Website / My Website
Below the text in Portuguese,
is the text "My story" version in English.
No inicio do ano de 2004 fui atuar pela equipe do Vila Nova F. C. e assinei contrato que iria até o final de Março de 2007. Nessa equipe, fui campeão nas duas primeiras competições que participei. Tinha a função de preparar as jogadas, alem de executar todas as penalidades de bola parada (faltas, Pênalti e escanteio). No ano de 2005, já na equipe sub-20, no primeiro ano de Juniores, fui campeão do estado com o treinador Roberto Oliveira. (foto acima - Mateus nº 8)
Neste ano fui selecionado juntamente com outros atletas de outras equipes e mais 3 atletas do Vila Nova F. C. como destaque e promessa real, como prova o artigo do Jornal "DIARIO DA MANHA" do dia 13/09/2005. Verificar integra da noticia no site
(ver foto acima - nº de identificação 17)
Entretanto, tive convite para atuar pela equipe do Ceres F. C. (Foto ao acima - nº 10) esolvi aceitar o convite e fui disputar o segundo turno por esta equipe. No ano de 2007 acabei disputando o campeonato Goiano sub-20 pelo Ceres, onde fomos a final contra a equipe do Goiás E. C. e nos sagramos Vice campeão. Em 2008 passei no vestibular para Educação Física pela segunda vez e resolvi parar novamente o futebol para me dedicar aos estudos, pois já era a segunda vez que após ser aprovado para faculdade não me matriculava, devido ao futebol. Tive proposta para atuar por equipes de Brasília - DF e outras regiões, mas não aceitei. Resolvi ficar em Goiânia e fazer a Faculdade.
English version.
_ My date of birth is 24.04.1987. My name is Matthew Dafico Isecke, I left. I player from mid-field (Left Half). Football game from 5 years of age.
_When I was 5 years old started to play the hall soccer (futsal). In the hall soccer (futsal) at school in Goias E. C. at the end of 1994, I transferred to the soccer field. In the beginning of 1995, came to the soccer field and then the teachers were selected to form the boys team of milk-tooth. I began to play as defensive Midfielders and promoted to Captain of the team. Until almost the end of 1999, played in teams of Goiás E. C. when I had to stop for a health treatment. I had inflammation of glands. I cured and returned to play, but another team. I returned to work in team of the "Sociedade Esportiva Futebol Arte", where in the first year it is South American champion unbeaten.
_ Played by this team until the mid-year 2002, where he was champion twice. I transferred to Campineira / MG Sports at the invitation of coach Lula, former Athletic C. G. This season (2002) the Coach put me to work offensive Midfielders left-handed - LEFT-HANDED PERSON, where is the game that even the days of today.I was vice champion in my first dispute in the "National Tournament of Corumbá. I was champion in 2003 and in the "Tournament of Portelândia" was highlighted (I won, degree of emphasis of the tournament). This year (2003) I was invited to hold some friendly matches for the Vila Nova FC that led to my transfer to this club. At the beginning of 2004 I was working by the team of Vila Nova F. C. and signed contract that would by the end of March 2007. On this team, I was champion in the first two events I attended. Had the task of preparing the play, and perform all the penalties of ball stop (faults, Penalty and escanteio). In 2005, already in sub-20 team in the first year of Junior, I was champion of the state with coach Roberto Oliveira. This year I was selected along with other athletes from other teams and 3 more athletes of Vila Nova F. C. prominence and promise as real, as evidenced by the article the newspaper Diário da Manhã "of the day 13/09/2005. Check the site includes news of
Article Title
"Os Ídolos de amanhã".
Related materials
"Vila Nova Futebol Clube".
_ This year, I had the opportunity to compose the group of professionals of Vila Nova. I played in several friendly matches the interior of Goiás My first professional game at the Vila Nova F. C. was with Coach Mauro Galvão.
_ This year, I also had the misfortune to hurt the medial collateral ligament of left knee. The contusion was in the training that took on the trip to a national tournament (the junior Cup Belo Horizonte - BH Cup). I was stopped by treatment for 8 weeks. When returned to competition "Cup Goiás," was in progress, but still managed a 3rd place.
_ I was selected to play another national tournament "Copa São Paulo de Juniors (beginning of 2006). After this competition, for personal reasons, I decided to stop the soccer and I began to prepare to enter the University. In the middle of 2006, decided to return to play. I did work on physical conditioning for 2 months, with monitoring of a team's physical preparer Vila Nova F. C. (RODRIGO ROCHA SALES). After I came back to play in the team from Vila Nova F. C. At that time I was invited to act in UNITRI the city of Uberlândia - MG. However not hit contract with the team's UNITRI. I returned to Vila Nova F. C. Restart the training and was called to sign new contract. On the day of signing this contract, after having already signed, I went for training and unfortunately had a contusion in the left ankle ligaments. I went to the medical department for treatment and recovered after the first round of the championship of Goias Jr (40 Days STANDSTILL).
_ Because change in the age group to dispute the Cup São Paulo, I was inclined to get off the soccer again and again I spend only in preparation for the University. However, I was invited to play by the team of Ceres F. C. I decided to accept the invitation, and I dispute the second round by the team.
_ In 2007, I dispute the under-20 championship Goiano by Ceres, which were the final against the team of Goiás E. C. and we were Vice Champion.
_ In 2008 I spent the vestibular (test to enter university) (had already been approved in previous year) and I decided to stop the soccer, and I dedicate to studies.
_ I had proposed to act by teams of Brasilia - DF and other regions, but not accepted. Decided to stay in Goiânia and attend the college.
I was advised not to quit, or stop. Many trainers and also was against my decision, however, was a little disappointed and concerned about my future. I needed to have a profession that would guarantee my future, and football in this season of my life, I caused uncertainty. I put in the balance, and I made the decision alone, and one of the facts that were weighed more, had already been approved twice to enter the University, being the first time I do not enroll because of football. Today, I want to play again (I'm young and I know I can). Already gone a long way in my university, I am also a professor of young athletes in football, and if, the day they can no longer play football or fazerde not my dream to reality, I will attend the University and soon will be with my diploma higher level. I am ready to return. I want to play in Europe, primarily for ease in acquiring the Community Passport (Descendant of German)
I began training at the team Canedense, 2 Division of Goiás, for recondicionar.Os training on 23/06/2009. I must be going to the State of Minas Gerais to dispute the second division.
_ With less than 20 days in Canedense, I had a pubic lesion (Pubalgia) in training and felt I had to get away for treatment. Released by Dr. Ricardo Couto (Vila Nova FC), I did physical therapy and strengthening with the physiotherapist Luiz Frazão and I am cleared for drills and games. This release occurred in late October and early November.
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